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Currently reading

The Rosie Project
Graeme Simsion
The Universe Versus Alex Woods
Gavin Extence
Hugh C. Howey
The Stone Man
Luke Smitherd

The Martian

The Martian - Andy Weir Accurate. Tick. Entertaining. Tick. Amazingly, Andy manages to weave a lot of - what I would normally find boring - facts into a really good read. And, the best bit? It's really, laugh out loud funny in places. Top job. Learnt a lot about Mars and writing. Looking forward to the film in 2015.

The Green Mile

The Green Mile - Stephen King Cracking story and an interesting departure for Stephen King. He's written about prison before (Shawshank) but this was written at speed as a serial. Enjoyed it very much and even thought I have watched the film, STILL surprised by the ending.

Mr. Mercedes

Mr. Mercedes - Stephen King Brilliant cat and mouse thriller. Enjoyed it as a reader, learned a lot as a writer.

Doctor Sleep

Doctor Sleep - Stephen King Classic Stephen King. Cracking characters and story, slightly disappointing finale.


11/22/63 - Stephen King Brilliant time travel novel. Finale felt a little done, but the conclusion is well handled.

Storm Front

Storm Front - Jim Butcher This book is like a milky way.

Let me explain.

After reading 'Wool' (which I enjoyed hugely) I was after something that skipped along, was fun and exciting. Not too heavy but a decent read, a page turner that didn't take itself too seriously. (i.e. NOT Dan Brown.)
Storm Front, the first in a series, is well written, jam packed and hugely entertaining. I smiled, huffed (ironically) and laughed a number of times as Jim tortured his poor protagonist into yet another painful cliffhanger.

In other words, perfect fodder you can eat between heavier books without ruining your appetite.